#3243 The taxonomic status of Lasiurus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in the Galapagos IslandsThe taxonomic status of Lasiurus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in the Galapagos Islands. American Museum novitates ; no. 3243 Koopman, Karl F.; McCracken, Gary F. "Morphological comparisons of the endemic Galapagos bat Lasiurus brachyotis with related taxa indicate that L. brachyotis should be recognized as a subspecies of L. borealis. Morphology suggests that other recognized taxa of the L. borealis group, including blossevilli, degelidus, frantzii, minor, pfeifferi, seminolus, teliotis, and varius are members of the same species. Specimens of the only other bat inhabiting the Galapagos are allocated to Lasiurus cinereus villosissimus"1998